Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

What the polic officer does?

First I get up at 5 o,clock. I teake ashower. Next I have brak fast. I put auniform. Then I get to work at 6 o,clock I must be leat because my job very emportant. In my job I help people. I check the seat pelt. I check the trafic in the road.Finaly I get to home and relax and I have launch.

Saleh AL-Balushi 20-11-2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Rosetta Stone

1- Log on to your computer.
2- Double click in EFL programs.
3- Double click the Rosetta stone.
4- Double click the Rosetta stone in the left hand.
5- Put Username.
6- Click OK.
7- Click print screen.
8- Close Rosetta stone.
9- Click start.
10- Click all programs.
11- Click Accessories.
12- Click paint.
13- Go to Edit and past.
14- Go to file and save ass.
15- Chose JPE G.
16- Save.
17- Go to your blogg.
18- Sign in.
19- Click new post.
20- Click Add image.
21- Click Browse.
22- Double click picture.
23- Click Ebbed image.
24- Click Done.
25- Write title picture of Rosette stone.
26- Click publsh post.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What I do every day? 2

1- I get up at 6 o’clock.
2- I wash my face.
3- I have breakfast.
4- I go to study at CNA QATAR.
5- I finish work at 2 o’clock.
6- I have a lunch.
7- I go home and watch TV.
8- In the evening I visit my friend.
9- In the night I go to the Cornish and walk.
10- At 12 o’clock go home relax and go sleep.

What I do every day?

1- I get up at 6 o’clock
2- I wash my face.
3- I have break fast.
4- I went to study at CNA QATAR.
5- I finished work at 2 o’clock.
6- I have launch.
7- I went to home and watched TV.
8- In the evening I visited my friend.
9- In the night I went to the Cornish and walked.
10- At 12 o’clock went to home relaxed and went sleep.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Rosetta Stone

1- Log on to your computer.
2- Double click in EFL programs.
3- Double click the Rosetta stone.
4- Double click the Rosetta stone in the left hand.
5- Put Username.
6- Click OK.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Help English

1- Can you give a piece of paper?
2- How do you spell that?
3- Can you help me please teacher?
4- Can you help me teacher please?
5- Thanks.
6- How are you today?
7- Very well.
8- What did you do last night?
9- Nothing special.
10- What new?
11- Not match.

Help English

1- Can you give a piece of paper?
2- How do you spill that?
3- Can you help m u do last night?
4- Nothing special.
5- What new?
6- 11e please teacher?
7- Can you help me teacher please?
8- Thanks.
9- How are you today?
10- Very well.
What did yo- Not match.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

An interview with my new teacher

Saleh; What is your name?

Mr Roger: My name is Roger.

Saleh: Where were you born?

Mr Roger: I was born in Canada.

Saleh: Are you married?

Mr roger: Yes I am married.

Saleh: What food do you like?

Mr Roger: I like spicy Thai food.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

my introduction-3-

My name is Saleh. I am 22 years old. I am from Qatar.I live in Rayyan. I have3 brothers and 2 sisters. I joined QP 3 years ago. I study at CAN-Q now I like play football and play tennis. I have Maxima. I have 2 mobile. My father is a policeman. I have 5 friends. Every weekend I go to the cinema. I don’t like to travel. My favorite number is 99.

My Introduction (2)

My name is Saleh I am 22 yars old. I am from Qatar. I lived in Rayyan. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. I worked QP 3 years ago. I study at CAN-Q now. I like play football and play tennis. I have maxima. I have 2 mobile. My father is policeman. I have 5 friends. Every weekend I go to the cinema. I don’t like travel. My favorite number is 99 .

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My induction

My name is Saleh . I am 22 years old. I am from Qatar. I lived Rayyan. I have 2 brother 3 sister. I am worked at QP 3 years ago. I am study at CAN Q naw. I like sport play football play tennis. I have a car Maxima. I have 2 mobile.. My father jobs in a police man .I have 5 friends. Every weekend I go to the cinema. My favorite number is 99.
I don like travel.