Monday, November 12, 2007

Rosetta Stone

1- Log on to your computer.
2- Double click in EFL programs.
3- Double click the Rosetta stone.
4- Double click the Rosetta stone in the left hand.
5- Put Username.
6- Click OK.
7- Click print screen.
8- Close Rosetta stone.
9- Click start.
10- Click all programs.
11- Click Accessories.
12- Click paint.
13- Go to Edit and past.
14- Go to file and save ass.
15- Chose JPE G.
16- Save.
17- Go to your blogg.
18- Sign in.
19- Click new post.
20- Click Add image.
21- Click Browse.
22- Double click picture.
23- Click Ebbed image.
24- Click Done.
25- Write title picture of Rosette stone.
26- Click publsh post.

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